...where youth participation in the arts nurtures independent, creative, and engaged members of the community

Here's a sampling of our signature programs:


ART CLUB is a special year-round program to engage students in self-development. ART CLUB nurtures creativity, collaboration, communication, and citizenship.

Go to Summer StART

Summer StART

This full day art workshop celebrates a milestone — graduation from 5th to 6th grade. Children from schools all around Lexington join together for a day of fun, friendship, food and creativity.

Go to Gallery Hop

Gallery Hop

Hop evenings are all action: live artist performances and impromptu art, music, poetry and song-making. It’s a welcoming atmosphere for adults and children.

Go to Art and the Environment

Art and the Environment

Students explore environmental concerns through visual art activities. They create their own art from scraps, discards, remnants, and items considered ‘trash’ to learn about their environment and the impact of human activity on it.

Go to YouTube Channel

YouTube Channel

Our videos are Art Explorations for all ages, using common household materials, inexpensive & basic art supplies, and lots of repurposed, recycled, forgotten, and found materials. We help the young at heART explore materials and techniques, for fun and enjoyment…and hopefully, developing new skills and interests along the way.

Go to Newsletter


Check out the Butterfly Zone December 2022 newsletter! Get caught up on all the activities and exciting people with whom we are involved.

About Us

SIS-OH-PRO-MATE-M is the word “metamorphosis” spelled in reverse.

SAF, Inc. helps create a metamorphosis in the lives of children through participation in the arts.

Our mission is to help children develop into independent, creative and responsible members of the community through participation in the arts.

“We make a special effort to reach at-risk and disadvantaged youth and to provide programs at no cost to individual participants. Our programs include a wide range of art activities.”

Board Members

Kenneth H. Brooks

General Advisor
Mr. Brooks is the co-founder of Sisohpromatem Art Foundation, Inc. He is co-owner of the Heritage Art Center, an art center dedicated to social change. Founded in 1998 in Lexington, KY.

Sonja A. Brooks

Executive Director
Sonja is the co-founder of Sisohpromatem Art Foundation, Inc. She is also a co-owner of the Heritage Art Center. She is enjoying a second career in the arts after a 27 year career in the Federal government.

D. Michael Rayburn

Past Chairman of the Board
Mike has been serving as a board member for 10 years. Mike is a professional photographer. He is an artist who has taught english as a second language in China.

Luke Eldridge

Chairman of the Board
Luke is an artist specializing in wire sculpture. He also teaches art classes. He is rarely seen without his metal case of wire spools which he fondly refers to as his traveling studio.

Upcoming Events

Contact us for current information