We conduct Art and the Environment workshops throughout the year. While creating art-based projects, students explore topics such as recycling, energy conservation, solar energy, water quality and alternative transportation.
Contact ArtMonarch@art4edu.org to request a workshop.

Students created colorful flowers from plastic water bottles and added them to the tree sculpture.

Students dipped cardboard pieces in black paint to create an outline of buildings, then colored them in with markers.
Students explore environmental concerns through visual art activities. The workshops are fun, engaging, and educational, while nurturing creativity, observation skills, eco-consciousness and good citizenship. Students examine environmental themes in art and ‘meet’ contemporary eco-artists from around the world. They create their own art from scraps, discards, remnants, and items considered ‘trash’ to learn about their environment and the impact of human activity on it. Most workshops last 1-1/2 to 2 hours and include art, science or environmental concepts; for example, students learn about the effect of overuse of plastics on the environment while reusing plastic trash to make sculptures. To boost literacy skills, creative writing can be woven into the workshops.
Art & the environment campers painted a mural for residents of a low-income apartment complex for seniors. With a bit of imagination flower petals transform into a beautiful face and an eye; plastic water bottles become exotic, colorful flowers; paper discards become hats and crowns; and ‘softies’ emerge from fabric scraps.

Vinyl records became bowls and sculptures with a little heat and paint. (click picture for more photos)
Students in weekly art class at Family Care Center, Lexington KY, helped artist Christine Kuhn paint under-layers of mural panels destined to cover boarded up windows on the Dunbar Community Center, formerly the all-black Dunbar High School. Here a student works on a mural of Paul Lawrence Dunbar (click picture for more photos).
The Partners for Youth Foundation awarded SAF, Inc. $1,500 to help conduct Art and the Environment workshops during 2018. Workshops begin in June and continue periodically through the end of the year. Our partners include William Wells Brown Community Center, Northern Elementary, Consolidated Baptist Church and Kentucky Refugee Ministries.
The Partners for Youth Foundation awarded SAF, Inc. $2,700 to help conduct Art and the Environment workshops during 2017. Workshops begin on June 5 and continue periodically through the end of the year. Our partners include William Wells Brown Community Center, Northern Elementary, Consolidated Baptist Church and Kentucky Refugee Ministries.
The Partners for Youth Foundation awarded SAF, Inc. $2,610 to help conduct Art and the Environment workshops during Summer 2016. Workshops begin on May 31 and continue periodically through the Fall of 2016. Our partners are Kentucky Refugee Ministries, William Wells Brown Community Center, Consolidated Baptist Church and Quinn Chapel.
Contact Sonja.brooks@art4edu.org to request a workshop.
For fee information and to schedule a workshop send an email to: ArtMonarch@art4edu.org with the subject line “art and the environment”