ART CLUB is a special year-round program to engage students in self-development. ART CLUB nurtures creativity, collaboration, communication, and citizenship. ART CLUB meets the second Saturday of each month to explore issues affecting students’ lives and the world around them. The underlying premise of this program is “Art + issue = Change”. Students enroll initially as 3rd graders and may continue to participate year after year. To learn more, email
Art Club @ William Wells Brown Community Center is supported by a grant from Partners For Youth
“Be Kind” sidewalk art
“I Am A Puzzle” workshop
Art Club painting workshop
Art Club supply distribution (pandemic style) – Fall 2020
International Day – March 11, 2017
Art Club students created artwork for 2014 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Kailash Satyarthi

Students create collages from old calendars, wallpaper samples and other scavenged papers. (click picture for more photos)

Students learned about the importance of bees and helped paint this attention getting mural. (Click picture for more photos)

Rubbing alcohol dropped onto permanent marker designs on cotton fabric creates a water color effect. (Click picture for more photos)
Students created botanical drawings after learning about George Washington Carver, distinguished African-American educator, scientist, researcher, humanitarian, and artist.
Chibi characters were the subject of a drawing session with a local artist.
Art Club members made wreaths to be given to family members of victims of gun violence. The wreaths feature the color orange, which hunters wear in the woods to protect themselves and others. For the nationwide movement to honor all lives cut short by gun violence, orange is a celebration of life – and a call to action to help save lives from gunfire.
To learn more, email
Greeting Cards by Art Club Students
Art Club participants designed, carved, and created relief prints in a variety of images and colors. They are available as greeting 5” x 7” greeting cards, with space inside for you to write your own message. Buy multiples at 4 for $12.
To order, email